SMART Ziele Die Arbeitsziele sollen „Spezifisch, Messbar, Anspruchsvoll, Realistisch, Terminiert“ (SMART) sein. In diesem Rahmen lassen sich für CiLoCharging folgende SMART-Ziele definieren: Smart-Ziel 1: Optimierung des Lademanagements im Logistikterminal mit Integration des Verkehrsmanagement und der Energieversorgung Die Projektpartner entwickeln eine bedarfsgerechte, flexible „Optimization-as-a-Service“ Komponente, die unter Einbeziehung aller relevanten Eingangsdaten aus den einzelnen Domänen die […]
Read MoreDigital Twin for CiLoCharging
The CiLoCharging project aims to enable an optimized, flexible, and demand-oriented solution for the integration of charging, logistics, energy, and mobility management for the use of electric vehicles in logistics depots close to the city. The developed solution needs to be evaluated from an economic, technical, as well as environmental perspective for it to be beneficial in the real world. Testing different solutions in field trials in the real world is a cost– and time-consuming effort. We overcome this problem with the help of a digital twin, which is a digital replica of the real-world scenario to serve as a virtual testbed. The different solutions that need to be tested can then be tested on that digital twin by means of simulations. In the CiLoCharging project, we use CityMoS to create the required digital twin for the cost- and time-efficient evaluation of the developed system.
What is CityMoS?
CityMoS stands for City Mobility Simulator. It is a microscopic, agent-based, discrete-event simulator developed by TUMCREATE, a research institute of the Technical University of Munich in Singapore. It is characterized by the ability to compute large-scale simulation scenarios at high resolution in a time-efficient manner by using parallel algorithms and high-performance computing (HPC). The agent-based simulation allows for a detailed view of individual behavior models and discovers emerging effects that cannot be modeled using numerical, analytical, and lower resolution traffic simulations. Interactions between agents and their different model parameterization produce a heterogenic population, as exists in the real world. CityMoS can evaluate the movement of individual vehicles as well as the decision-making process defined through behavior models of the mobile entities and the road infrastructure. CityMoS also offers researchers the ability for it to be coupled with other systems such as electric grid simulators. This makes CityMoS a perfect tool for the CiLoCharging project. You can find more about CityMoS here.

CityMoS and CiLoCharging
A Perfect Match

CiLoCharging deals with the optimized integration of charging, logistic, energy, and traffic management for the use of electric trucks in logistics depots. CityMoS becomes a valuable tool for the evaluation of the solutions developed. In CityMoS, the electric fleet along with the depot can be modeled in high detail. The electric charge of each electric truck can be tracked throughout the simulation. Different strategies of charging at the depot can also be modeled and evaluated with CityMoS. The optimization algorithms for scheduling and charging developed by the project partners can be incorporated. The carbon emissions that can be saved by switching from ICE to electric trucks can be evaluated with ease in CityMoS. All these make CityMoS a perfect tool for evaluation of the CiLoCharging project. Later, these simulative results can be verified with the results from the field test.
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What is CiLoCharging?
CiLoCharging Optimized integration of charging, logistics, energy and traffic management for the operation of electric vehicles in urban logistics depots. The CiLoCharging project has set as its goal to enable an optimized, flexible and demand-oriented solution for the use of electric vehicles in the distribution service of a logistics terminal from an economic, technical, and […]
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