Agile Systems Engineering in Complex Scenarios ACCOMPANYING RESEARCH PUBLICATION In context of accompanying research, CiLoCharging partners in FH Dortmund have published a scientific paper “Agile Systems Engineering in Complex Scenarios” in IEEE IDAACS 2021 conference, in the Special Stream in Smart Buildings and Smart Cities. The authors, Carsten Wolff, Philipp Tendyra, and Carsten Wiecher have taken part in the conference which was held online from September 22nd till 25th. What problem […]
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Digital Twin for CiLoCharging
Digital Twin for CiLoCharging The CiLoCharging project aims to enable an optimized, flexible, and demand-oriented solution for the integration of charging, logistics, energy, and mobility management for the use of electric vehicles in logistics depots close to the city. The developed solution needs to be evaluated from an economic, technical, as well as environmental perspective […]
Read MoreScenario Development for CiLoCharging
Scenario Development for CiLoCharging In the context of CiLoCharging, the Technical University Munich (TUM) has the main role of evaluating the approaches and algorithms developed in the project by creating a so-called “digital twin”. The “digital twin” can then be used as a digital playground or a test lab for the cost- and time-efficient holistic […]
Read MoreSMART Goals
SMART Ziele Die Arbeitsziele sollen „Spezifisch, Messbar, Anspruchsvoll, Realistisch, Terminiert“ (SMART) sein. In diesem Rahmen lassen sich für CiLoCharging folgende SMART-Ziele definieren: Smart-Ziel 1: Optimierung des Lademanagements im Logistikterminal mit Integration des Verkehrsmanagement und der Energieversorgung Die Projektpartner entwickeln eine bedarfsgerechte, flexible „Optimization-as-a-Service“ Komponente, die unter Einbeziehung aller relevanten Eingangsdaten aus den einzelnen Domänen die […]
Read MoreWhat is CiLoCharging?
CiLoCharging Optimized integration of charging, logistics, energy and traffic management for the operation of electric vehicles in urban logistics depots. The CiLoCharging project has set as its goal to enable an optimized, flexible and demand-oriented solution for the use of electric vehicles in the distribution service of a logistics terminal from an economic, technical, and […]
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Die Arbeitsziele sollen „Spezifisch, Messbar, Anspruchsvoll, Realistisch, Terminiert“ (SMART) sein. In diesem Rahmen lassen sich für CiLoCharging folgende SMART-Ziele definieren